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Forum:Publications & Multimedia
Topic:Apollo Fact Files (Riley, Buonomo video series)
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Defending the truth about mankind's finest achievement. An animated series of accessible Apollo science facts.

According to recent surveys over 25% of 18-25 year-olds doubt that the Apollo astronauts ever really visited the moon.

So we've started to make a new animated series to set the record straight, bringing you the truth about mankind's moon shots.

We've made one episode so far:

And now we need your help!

For £5000 we can animate four more episodes:

  • Episode 2. Where are all the stars?
  • Episode 3. What's up with those strange shadows?
  • Episode 4. How did the astronauts film themselves leaving the Moon?
  • Episode 5. Wouldn't radiation have killed the astronauts on their way to the Moon?
Of course there are many more conspiracy theories to address, and should we raise more than our target we will produce further episodes such as:
  • Episode 6. Where were the dust clouds after they landed?
  • Episode 7. Why can't we see the Apollo landing sites through a telescope?
  • Episode 8. Why did we stop going to the Moon?
  • Episode 9. Are those really prop numbers on the rocks?
  • Episode 10. Who filmed Neil Armstrong first stepping onto the Moon?
  • Episode 11. How come the footprints are so well preserved when there's no moisture on the Moon?
  • Episode 12. How could two astronauts take so many great pictures on the Moon in such a short time?
Should you be unable to donate any money, you can still help us to spread the word, by simply subscribing to our new YouTube channel and sharing it with your own networks. Together we can give people on Earth the confidence to believe that human beings really did reach the Moon 45 years ago.
Apollo Fact Files is a project of The Attic Room, the company founded by writer and filmmaker Chris Riley, who has made over 30 documentaries and programs celebrating the Apollo missions and wrote the Haynes owner's workshop manual on Apollo 11.

The series will be animated by Emmy Award winner Antony Buonomo at Vertigo Productions.

mode1charlieI supported this, and hope others will consider doing so as well. It's important to have solid, well-done videos to help dispel the loopy ideas floating around out there.
fredtravYou can never dispel loopy ideas with mere facts.
noroxineAlready backed for 90000 £.

Just Amazing!

Robert Pearlman
Originally posted by noroxine:
Already backed for 90000 £.
I think you misread — it's currently at just £90. £4,910 to go until fully-funded.

garymilgromI guess Fred's right that you can't convince whackos with science but this seems worthwhile to me.

It looks like the production company behind this (The Attic in London, England) also had a part in the popular series Moon Machines as well as the film In the Shadow of the Moon.

topmilerHas anyone made any audience test responses to the first fact file? Speaking from a personal UK standpoint, the tone, pitch and inflection of the narrator's voice on the first fact file would not convince me to take anything he says as fact. I'm afraid he sounds like one of the conspiracy nuts.
Originally posted by fredtrav:
You can never dispel loopy ideas with mere facts.

Yes, this is often the case for people who are just too far around the bend. But note that I said "help dispel loopy ideas", for ammunition it would be and that remains important.

For the other commenter who disliked the intonation of the narration, I take his point. It's not my taste either, but this is the style that seems preferred by American audiences (and younger generations generally), as a visit to any news channel here will attest.

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